Christmas Baby


Spiritual Journey framed Not that I had been asked, but yesterday I was thinking about which was my best Christmas ever.   … Without a doubt,  bringing our son home from the hospital was the best!

The first time we brought him home, as a newborn, it was just a few days before Christmas. I thought my heart would burst of gratitude and joy on Christmas morning; I never felt closer to Our Blessed Mother or her Infant Son as I did that Christmas when I shared the miracle of the birth of a baby boy. Mine, unlike hers, was not a Divine Person with a human nature. No; he was totally a human person, but with the life of the Creator within him, giving him breath.

My gratitude and joy were especially heightened since one year previously, when I was “sure” (without benefit of EPT’s) that baby number two was on the way, I discovered in the midst of a house full of Christmas Day guests that I wasn’t. ..One year later, and a baby boy was gracing our home. After a couple of years of praying, waiting, and being disappointed so many times for a new baby’s arrival,  he seemed to me to be a total mercy Christmas present from the Savior to us on His Birthday.

Seventeen years later on Christmas Eve, with a decorated Christmas tree in the trunk of our car, ready to grace our son’s hospital room the next day, we got a surprise gift. The doctor discharged him early–in time for him to be home for Christmas. (There’s much more to the story, but that’s for another post another time.) The blouse my son gave me that year is literally irreparably falling apart, but I refuse to discard it since it reminds me of the Christmas miracle that year.

Financially, it was tough having six family members (husband, son, father, two in-laws, and niece) with birthdays in the last two weeks of December. (As the Christmas shopper, more than the expense, the greater challenge I felt was finding two wonderful presents simultaneously.) My husband who, as a youngster, felt “cheated” out of a birthday celebration (combined present for Christmas and birthday) made sure our son’s birthday had its own celebration. As far as I know, our son never felt “cheated.”

I’m glad, because I felt nothing but jubilant over our son’s “Christmas” birthday. The year he was born, I packed Christmas cards into my hospital delivery bag. (I had held off writing Christmas cards that year until we could include the baby’s name.) Pre-prenatal-sonograms, we didn’t know the baby’s gender, and actually–boy or girl–we hadn’t finalized the baby’s name.

Writing cards turned out to be a good thing; one drawback to having a “Christmas” baby was that the maternity wing was short-staffed. My roommate and I had a lot of “down time” to pass, not only from the lack of nursing “visitors,” but because there had been a terrible ice storm, which kept away any other visitors.

Despite any drawbacks, I am eternally grateful for the timing of our son’s birth. Having a “Christmas baby” was–and continues to be–a great blessing! In fact, I feel more than doubly blessed.

For all the expectant, and desiring to be expectant, mothers, may the Christ Child bring them the children their hearts’ desire.








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6 Responses to Christmas Baby

  1. hollymueller says:

    LOVE this post. My mom has a wonderful story of my birth…the day after Christmas. 🙂 While I was decorating the Christmas tree, I listened to this song several times, and each time, it brought tears to my eyes…


    • bobbietaylor says:

      Thank you so much, Holly; for the second time today, I’m joining you in tears. What a powerful visual reminder of the real meaning/cost of Christmas!.. I didn’t X out of YouTube, so I was doubly blessed to hear the next rendition:

      I hope you will share your Christmas story some day. So blessed are you and your family! …Something just clicked–Is that why you’re named Holly? (The post office clerk commented on your Christmas-y name!) Thank you again, and always, for hosting SJT. Don’t know how I missed your “Gift” theme Tweet; guess the Lord had my back. I, too wrote about my best Christmas gift…God bless you…Thanks again so much for reading the post and for sharing your personal connection and the unforgettable video link…You’re a gift!


  2. cvarsalona says:

    Bobbie, you certainly have a full calendar during the holiday season but it is all good. I love your story of the Christmas baby. May there be blessings for him and your family in abundance.

    Surprise-surprise! Your poetry pads came together. I just opened the package. Your card and gift are just wonderful. I want to thank you so much for sending them my way.


    • bobbietaylor says:

      Thank you so much for reading the post, and especially for offering your benediction for our son! I know the Lord loves to fulfill your intercessory prayer-requests. Thank you!

      Concerning the card and poetry, you are very welcome! ..I’m so grateful you were willing to allow me to share the PoetryPads. Just can’t give up the dream of Catholic and/or Christian pocket poem tear-off books. Let’s see what the Lord has in store.

      Blessed Christmas! For the very short time I’ve been the beneficiary of your extraordinary goodness, I’ve been very edified; thanks to you, my faith has matured (& I have, too!) God bless you!


  3. Wow, this brings back memories of the births of my two children and the mornings after. I don’t think I could stop smiling either time I was so overjoyed–that the baby had arrived, was fine, I had soldiered through and was fine. The birth of a baby, anytime, perhaps especially at Christmas, is a very special joy. Revel in all the birthdays!!


    • bobbietaylor says:

      Amen! I’m smiling! I remember being told ahead of time that delivering a child would create a bond with other women who had done likewise, would qualify me to enter into a motherhood-sorority of sorts. “Soldiering through” to slightly modify what you wrote–that’s the qualifying ticket in, I think! …We paid our dues and “earned” that overjoyed reaction, for sure. God is so good to us through the miracle of a child’s birth. I’m glad you could share in that remembered joy, reading this post! God bless you, and thank you very much for reading and sharing your personal response!


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